202.5 Treasurer of the Board

At a regular or special meeting of the Board held in August (prior to or on August 15),  the Board shall appoint a treasurer.  Term of office shall be for one year.  The treasurer shall qualify within 10 days following appointment.   The Treasurer may be another employee of the district including the Board secretary.  The Treasurer shall give bond to the school corporation in the amount set by the Board.
The treasurer of the Board shall:
--   Receive all moneys belonging to the school district and make payments only upon the order of the president countersigned by the secretary.
--   Receive warrants signed by the president and countersigned by the secretary of the Board.
--   Keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures of school funds.
--   Register all orders drawn and reported to him/her by the secretary showing the number, date, to whom drawn, fund upon which drawn, purpose, and amount.
--   Keep an accurate separate account for the General Fund, the Schoolhouse Fund, and the Special Courses Fund.
--   Render a financial statement whenever required by the Board and keep books open for inspection at all times.
--   Make an annual report to the Board at its regular August meeting and file a copy with the country treasurer, and Superintendent of Public Instruction.
--   Deposit school funds in the banks designated by the Board as the official depositories with any changes authorized by the Board.
--   Keep a record on bond buyers.
--   Furnish to the Board a sworn statement from each depository bank, showing balance as of June 30
--   Receive apportionment of school funds and monthly payment of taxes from the county treasurer.
--   Receive and disburse playground funds.
--   Keep a record of persons to whom interest-bearing school bonds are sold.
Approved:   August 12, 1985                                  
Reviewed:   Feb. 10, 1997
March 12, 2001
December 19, 2005
September, 2008
January 20, 2014