203.1 Development of Policy

The Board believes its primary function is to set policy.  The policy should be in written form to provide guidelines and goals for daily operations of the school district.
Policies are principles adopted by the school board to chart a course of action.  They tell what is wanted; they may include why and how much.  Policies should be broad enough to indicate a line of action to be followed by the administration in meeting a number of problems; narrow enough to give clear guidance.  Policies are guides for action by the administration, which then sets the rules and regulations to provide specific directions to school district personnel.
The Board exercises its leadership role by its involvement in the development and adoption of written policy.  The Board exercises its control over the district by evaluating the reports concerning the execution of the written policy.
Policies may be proposed by any member of the Board, employee, citizen, student, superintendent, etc.  All policy proposals shall be submitted to the Board, through the superintendent of schools, prior to a regular or special Board meeting.  The proposed policy shall be placed on the agenda for consideration.  Final action to adopt new policies or amended policies shall take place only after it has appeared as an agenda item at two Board meetings.
The superintendent of schools is responsible for keeping the Board informed of necessary policies and changes to existing  policies.
Approved:  August 12, 1985   
Reviewed:  Feb. 10, 1997
March 12, 2001
December 19, 2005
September 2008
January 20, 2014
Revised:  August 9, 1993