400.1 Short Term Administrative Leave of Personnel for Disciplinary Reasons



All employees of this district are expected to perform their assigned responsibilities to the best of their abilities and in accordance with all law, rules, and highest standards of ethics, integrity and professionalism.


The superintendent of schools is authorized to place any employee on administrative leave with pay pending action on a discharge for fault personal to the employee.


The superintendent is authorized to place any employee on administrative leave without pay for disciplinary purposes.  Said administrative leave without pay shall be for a period of time at the discretion of the superintendent not to exceed five (5) working days.  Multiple administrative leaves for disciplinary reasons during the same school year shall result in automatic recommendation by the superintendent that the employee’s contract to be terminated.


Employees being considered for administrative leave shall be given oral or written notice of the reason(s) for the leave, an opportunity to respond to those reasons before the administrative leave action is taken, and opportunity to be represented by counsel during due process proceedings.  Any final conclusions and determination to place on leave by the superintendent shall be given to the employee in writing and also shall be placed in the employees personnel files.



Adopted:  January 13, 1991                 


Reviewed: Feb. 10, 1997
March 12, 2001
December 19, 2005
June 20, 2011
July 11, 2016