702.8 Special Convenience Bus Stops

No bus shall leave the public highway to receive or discharge students unless their safety is ensured or the private road is maintained in the same manner as the public highway.
A bus shall not stop to load or unload students unless the driver has an unobstructed view of at least 300 feet in each direction, except to the extent that visibility is reduced by fog, snow or other weather conditions.  In such circumstances, the driver is expected to use his/her best judgment to ensure the safety of the children and the bus.
Legal References:          Iowa Code 285.11(7);  321.372 as amended;  279.8 as amended
Cross References:          507.9    Emergency School Closings (Transportation in Poor Weather Conditions)
Adopted:  January 13, 1986                  
Reviewed:   February 13, 1995
March 8, 1999
December 15, 2003
August, 2006
August, 2008
December 16, 2013