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410.2 Extended Illness Leave for Support Personnel



Employees who are advised of a health condition which may require absence for more than five (5) days (e.g.: scheduled corrective surgery, pregnancy, required therapy) shall inform their immediate supervisor as soon as practical so that arrangements may be made for effective transition of responsibilities to a qualified substitute.  A statement from the physician giving approval for the employee to continue work and recommending the date on which the employee should go on leave may be required.


Employees on extended sick leave should report for work as soon as the individual is capable of performing duties following surgery, termination of pregnancy, or other such cause for the leave. Should there be medical reasons supported by evidence from the attending physician, the leave will be extended.  Pay provisions will be coordinated with sick leave benefits.  At any time the District may require additional statements be provided by the employee from the physician.


Upon returning to work, the employee must present medical evidence that he/she is physically capable of returning to work.



Adopted:  October 14, 1985                  


Reviewed: Feb. 10, 1997      
March 12, 2001
December 19, 2005
June 20, 2011
July 11, 2016