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411.2 Complaint Procedures for Support Personnel



The Board of Directors believes the district support staff employees should discuss and resolve complaints they may have about the district or their job with their immediate supervisor in order to provide a speedy resolution of the complaint.


For all complaints regarding a violation of a Board policy or an administrative rule and which are not included in the grievance procedure of the master contract covering the employee in question, the support of the master contract covering the employee in question, the support of the master contract covering the employee in question, the support staff employee shall report the complaint to his/her immediate supervisor within five days of the alleged violation.  The alleged violation shall first be discussed with his/her immediate supervisor and resolved.


If the complaint cannot be resolved by the employee’s immediate supervisor, the building principal shall discuss the complaint with the support staff employee and resolve the matter.


If the principal cannot resolve the complaint, the support staff employee shall, within five days of the discussion regarding the complaint with the building principal, make the complaint in writing to the superintendent of schools, and arrange to discuss the matter with the superintendent.


Should the matter not be resolved within ten days of the discussion with the superintendent, the employee may ask to have the complaint placed on the agenda of the next Board of Directors meeting.  Action taken by the Board on the complaint shall be final.



Adopted:  January 12, 1987                   


Reviewed:  Feb. 10, 1997         
March 12, 2001
December 19, 2005
June 20, 2011
July 11, 2016