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600.1 Multicultural and Nonsexist Education



The education program shall foster knowledge of, respect and appreciation for, the historical and contemporary contributions of diverse cultural groups as well as men and women to society.  Special emphasis shall be placed on Asian Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans,  Native Americans, and a person living  with a  disability.


The district’s curriculum structure, content, instructional materials and teaching methodologies shall reflect the contributions and perspectives of women and men and diverse racial/ethnic groups.  If sex and/or cultural-racial stereotyping are found to exist in necessary instructional materials, it shall be brought to the attention of the students and staff and supplemental materials shall be used to offset the stereotyping.  The offending materials shall be replaced as soon as economically feasible to do so.


The board directs that the Multicultural, Nonsexist Education Plan originally developed and approved during the 1977-78 school year be reviewed, updated and incorporated into the board’s policies as an exhibit and regulation.


The board further directs that the administration annually establish a Multicultural, Nonsexist Education Advisory Committee.  It is recommended that this committee be made up of a balance of males and females, and that provision be made for input to the committee from minority  and persons living  with a disability  populations.  The committee shall:


     *    meet at least annually;

     *    Review recommended new textbooks for evidence of compliance with Board Policy     600.1,  Multicultural, Nonsexist Education,

     *    Review the district’s Multicultural, Nonsexist Education Plan,

     *    Serve as a resource for reacting to the district’s programs and practices as they relate

          multicultural, nonsexist education issues;

     *    Make recommendations to the school board and administration related to multicultural,nonsexist education issues.




LEGAL REFS.:            Iowa Code 256.11,  279.8,  280.3 - .14,  601A.9
670 Iowa Admin. Code 3.3(6),  3.5,  .5(5)
281 Iowa Admin. Code 12.1(1),  .5(8) (new standards)


CROSS REFS.:            100,  Mission and Philosophy
101,  Educational Objectives
103,  General Equity Policy 
602.1,  Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex or handicap




Adopted:  Jan. 9, 1989                 


Reviewed: March 20, 2000          
November 21, 2005
May 16, 2011
June 13, 2016


Revised: January 19. 2009