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Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community Schools
Adopted 1977-78
I.    Program Goal
     Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community School District, in accordance with local, state and           federal regulations and guidelines, will implement educational programs which incorporate              Multicultural Nonsexist ideals and practices.
II.   Objectives with timelines.
     1.  Board policy and administrative regulations and/or guidelines will be reviewed and           revised to meet Multicultural Nonsexist guidelines.
     2.  The staff of Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn Community School District will receive inservice        training in the principles and practices of Multicultural Nonsexist education.
          A.  Time - Ongoing
     3.  Programs and staff evaluation will include a determination of the implementation of       Multicultural Nonsexist guidelines.
          A.  Ongoing
     4.  The educational programs of the district, both curricular and co-curricular, will be           reviewed and revised to meet Multicultural Nonsexist guidelines.  (Time line and revision         cycle in attached appendix)
     5.  The district will provide the opportunity for systematic input by men and women,           minority groups, handicapped and the aged in the implementation of Multicultural Nonsexist guidelines and programs on an annual basis.
          A.  Ongoing
III.  Strategies for Implementation
     1.  Objectives:     Inservice
          A.  Administration
               1)  Workshop
               2)  Topics
                    a.        state guidelines
                    b.        awareness regarding Multicultural Nonsexist education
                    c.        review local school plan
                    d.        develop inservice for staff
B.  Staff - all inclusive
               1)  Awareness inservice
                    a.        for teachers, associates, nurses
                    b.        other staff
     2.  MC/NS application in the classroom
          A.  Review and possibly update staff evaluation instruments to include MC/NS                     competencies.
          B.  Review and revise, if needed, the criteria used to evaluate instructional material and/or programs.
     3.  Objective:  Educational Programs
          A.  Student services and policies
               *    Look at grading procedures, disciplinary procedures, honors programs, and organizations and if need be, remedy any inequities and develop programs which meet MC/NS standards.
               *    Should be done by Spring of 1981
          B.  Student Grouping and Enrollment Patterns
               *    Look at patterns of assignment of students and staff, how resources are allocated - if specialized programs are equally available to all members of society regardless of sex, race, creed, or handicap.
               *    Should be done by Spring of 1981
          C.       Counseling and Guidance
               *    Look at testing programs as well as educational, personal and vocational counseling.  Remedy inequities if any are found so that anyone regardless of sex, ethnic origin or handicap will be treated equally.
          D.  Physical Education and Competitive Sports
               *    Study physical education requirements at all levels, facilities and equipment used in physical education programs, participation in and scheduling of physical education programs and intramural activities as well as the opportunities for  participation in co-curricular sports and support of these programs.
               *    Done by Spring 1980
          E.   Curriculum and Instructional Materials
               *    Study instructional materials, teaching strategies and curriculum content in all subject areas.
               *    First cycle finished by Spring of 1984.  (Cycle of review will follow pattern of attached appendix)
     4.  Objective:  Policies and Regulations
          A.  Review and update Board Policies to meet MC/NS guidelines.
          B.  Review and update any employment practices to meet MC/NS guidelines.
     5.  Objective:  Advisory Committee
          A.  Committee established in Fall of 1979-80
          B.  The advisory committee will meet annually with the school employee designated as MC/NS director.  They will formulate input if needed, to be reported  to the Board of Education.
IV.       Evaluation
     1.  Self evaluation, in terms of MC/NS guidelines, of the Hartley-Melvin-Sanborn School                District periodically.  The first evaluation was in the Fall of 1978 in the needs  assessment.
     2.  Objectives will be reviewed at the anniversary date of their completion.
     3.  By the Spring of 1982 the MC/NS plan will be reviewed for possible adjustments to meet current needs.
     4.  By the Spring of 1984 the present plan will be evaluated for possible revision and                further implementation.
Any resident or employee of the school district may formally challenge instructional materials, board decisions, administrative decisions or any other situations that they deem contrary to the scope and intent of the Multicultural Nonsexist section of Iowa Code.
If any resident or employee of the school district chooses to formally challenge instructional materials on the basis of Multicultural or Nonsexist grounds;  this challenge of instructional materials shall be made through the procedure established for the Reconsideration of Materials Committee as set forth in statement of board policy.
Should a challenge be made regarding an administrative decision or a Board of Education decision in the area of Multicultural of Nonsexist concern, it will be necessary for the grievant to discuss the complaint with the principal who has the responsibility of the building in which  the decision is being carried out.
The administrator shall explain the reasons for the decision.  If the administrator is acting in accordance with a Board of Education directive, the administrator will refer the grievant to the Board of Education representative so that the grievance may be aired at the next regular meeting of the Board.
If the challenge is directed at an administrative decision, an informal conference with the administrator to explore reasons and explain circumstances will be the first step.  Should this step end in dissatisfaction, the grievant must within ten(10) days refer to the MCNS Advisory Committee, in writing, the complaint and  summary of the conference with the administrator.
Should the MCNS Advisory Committee rule in favor of the administrator, the challenge may be taken to the Board of Education at the next regular meeting.  If a satisfactory conclusion is not reached at this point, the grievant may appeal to the State Department of Education.