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605.7 ICN - Appropriate Use



As technology is a vital part of the school district curriculum, the ICN facilities and programs will be made available to employees, students, community members and organizations.  Appropriate and equitable use of the ICN will allow employees, students, community members, and organizations to access resources unavailable through traditional means.


The ICN provides a collection of educational opportunities for students, employees, community members and organizations.  It is a statewide network which provides a wide array of information for post secondary group projects and regular classroom use,  as well as community, staff and job development inservices.  Students will be supervised while utilizing the ICN programs and facilities; although it is not possible to constantly monitor individual students and what they are accessing on the ICN network at all times.  Most post secondary/classroom presentations are screened to eliminate, as much as possible, inappropriate information.  Student ICN records are confidential records and shall be treated like other student records.


Employees and students will be informed of the availability of the ICN programs.  Parents may be required to sign a permission form to allow their students to utilize the ICN.  Students will sign a form acknowledging they have read and understand the ICN Use Policy and regulations, that they will comply with the policy and regulations, and that they understand the consequences of a violation of the policy or administrative regulations.



LEGAL REFS.:            Iowa Code §279.8 (1995)


CROSS REFS.:            ICN Room Use Regulation  1004.1 R-2



Approved:  March 10, 1997             


Reviewed:  March 20, 2000
November 21, 2005
May 16, 2011
June 13, 2016